Mercury in Retrograde
Mercury in Retrograde
If last week was a shock and your confidence took a knock
Don’t worry: Here’s a word to the wise
Blame the planets, curse the skies
It’s not you, it’s Mercury in Retrograde, closest planet to the sun
Messing it all up and spoiling the fun
When you leave your lap top in a cafe, drop your oyster down the gap
It’s the circuit of this planet that is making your life crap
When you’re served tough love you don’t want to hear
And the bar man clears away the last of your beer
When you miss buses but catch the flu
And start wondering why all this is happening to you
Just know that it’s Mercury’s orbit
That’s turning your life to shit
When you lose your mojo but find a grey hair
When you misplace something you’re sure was there
When it’s so close you can taste it, but then plans disintegrate,
Know it’s not you, it’s not even fate
It’s Mercury.
Mercury in retrograde that’s got you on the run
Mercury, messenger of the gods, closest planet to the sun.